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The interior photography course for professionals

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Free Starter Guide

Get into magazines! The course is given by Muk Van Lil, owner ofStudio Muk.She and her team of photographers appear in international magazines every week. From interiors around the corner to homes in South Africa.


After the course you can do that too!


Pro in 3 months


4.8* score

What participants think:

So glad I'm participating!'s unbelievable, but really get moving now! Website in the making.... Both for interior photography (internal viewers with the residents' stories is my idea) and my training/workshops for kids in the field of Happiness and Talent.'s bubbling and fizzing! Is it finished? No...not yet, but I am taking the first steps and I also feel it 

Thanks, already, dear Muk! 

Would like to thank you very much for the super good course, it is very well put together, nice also with the workbook and Q & A's. And it was super handy that I could watch it again. And you have done more for me than giving a photography course, namely the drive and inspiration to start selling my handmade coffee tables. Thanks for everything and I will of course continue to follow you! Love, Nathalie 

The course was very educational for me, I completed the photography school but felt that I had not learned enough about interior photography and that is also what I really like. The camera no longer holds much secret for me, but all further information was very useful and helped me a lot. 

I also thought it was a very fun course to follow, including the Q&A's, nothing but praise. Furthermore, I find you as a person a huge inspiration. 

Keep it up I would say! 

Especially for aspiring interior photographers

Whether you are a beginner or advanced, the course offers a solution for every level with various modules.


Learn the tricks of the trade as a professional, and for novice photographers there is a special module with explanations about the camera and equipment.


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